Fellow Virginians,
I urge you to vote this Tuesday for the following candidates:
- Bob McDonnell for Governor
- Bill Bolling for Lt. Governor
- Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General
http://www.bobmcdonnell.com/ for Governor
http://www.billbolling.com/ for Lieutenant Governor
http://www.cuccinelli.com/ for Attorney General
I have personally known these gentlemen for many years. They are each good public servants and they will make you proud to be a Virginian.
Check out the Family Foundation voter guides on these 3 statewide races at this location...compares all candidates on issues that are important to the family.
For House of Delegates, 17th District - Bill Cleaveland
Family Foundation has published a voter guide comparing the 17th HOD candidates... http://www.tffaction.org/images/HD_17_Final.pdf
Bill has strong conservative values for this seat, replacing Republican William Fralin. His opponent, Gwen Mason, is a pro-abortion liberal on Roanoke City Council.
For House of Delegates, 8th District - Morgan Griffith
Morgan has been a strong leader for all of SW Virginia. His position as Majority Leader helps this area a lot. People would be nuts to support his opponent, Radford teacher Carter Turner. Turner has no experience in elected office, a poor trade for the House Majority Leader position!! Morgan scored a top rating of 100% in the Family Foundation report card, that ranks all delgates and senators on their votes that support the families of Virginia.
For House of Delegates, 11th District - Troy Bird
Troy has the conservative values we need in the 11th house district. His opponent, Onzlee Ware, has a poor rating of 20 on the Family Foundation report card.
Local races:
Board of Supervisors, Vinton -- Mike Altizer http://www.roanokecountyva.gov/Departments/BoardOfSupervisors/BoardMembers/aMichaelWAltizer.htm
School Board, Vinton -- Jason Peters
Board of Supervisors, Hollins -- Richard Florahttp://www.roanokecountyva.gov/Departments/BoardOfSupervisors/BoardMembers/dRichardFlora.htm
Board of Supervisors, Windsor Hills -- Ed Elswick http://www.edelswick.com/
Sheriff, Roanoke City -- Octavia Johnson http://www.octaviajohnson.com/
Revenue Commissioner, Roanoke City - Douglas Walker http://douglaswalker2009.com/
1 comment:
I, Al Bedrosian, am running for Roanoke County Supervisor – Hollins District (North Roanoke County) this Tuesday, November 3rd. I will be running as a conservative write-in candidate – which means I need you to write in my name B-E-D-R-O-S-I-A-N as County Supervisor when you vote this Tuesday
My reasons for running as a write in candidate are as follows:
2 months ago, I was approached to write an article for the Roanoker Magazine about Roanoke County Government. My findings, which were published in the October 2009 issue of The Roanoker Magazine were disheartening to say the least:
- Size of Roanoke County budget nearly doubled in the past 10 years, while the population during that same time only increased by 15%.
- The tax burden per person in the county has nearly doubled to $2100. An average family of 5 has a county tax burden of over $10,000!
- Roanoke County has the second highest Real Estate rate in all of Virginia, second only to Loudon County in Northern Virginia. – that’s REAL MONEY that we pay in our monthly mortgage or mid/end of the year tax bill if you own your house.
- The County bypassed the voters (did not get their approval as they should) and passed an $83 million bond – which included spending $50 million on a new GYM with waterslides in North Roanoke County. Building gyms with our tax dollars, when people are struggling to make ends meet. This is NOT the role of government.
- The current Supervisors voted to accept federal STIMULUS money, with strings attached, to cover up shortfalls in the budget. Federal Stimulus money is money stolen from our children’s future.
The sad thing is that this Fiscal IRRESPONSIBILITY was performed under republican controlled County Supervisors!! Everything listed above is directly opposed to the Republican Creed of Virginia which calls for lower taxes, and government involvement ONLY when it cannot be done by the private sector.
Unfortunately, I uncovered these items after the Primary in June, 2009 so was unable to run in the Republican primary and remove our so-called Republican supervisor in the Hollins district. I did however approach Mr. Flora and ask him politely to step down and let a true Republican/conservative run for office. He refused. I took this issue up with the republican leadership, but they showed little interest. I thought there was really little I could do until the final nail in the coffin occurred this past week, THE ROANOKE TIMES endorsed Mr. Flora, our current Hollins Supervisor.
When a liberal newspaper endorses a Republican over a democrat start getting VERY nervous. The endorsement of the current Hollins County Supervisor by the Roanoke Times has made me say ENOUGH is ENGOUGH. If you vote in the following 6 voting places in North Roanoke County, I am asking for you to write in B-E-D-R-O-S-I-A-N as County Supervisor. PLEASE SEND WITH A personal NOTE TO YOUR FRIENDS….Let me know if you are in the district and would be willing to vote for me. I will be voting for Republicans: McDonnel, Bolling, and Cuccinelli
You can reach me on Facebook.
WE have less than a week to get this message circulated among conservatives in North Roanoke County!
-Roanoke Valley Christian Schools off of Williamson Rd.
-Burlington Elementary School – off of Peterscreek Rd.
-Mountain View Elementary School – off of Plantation Rd.
-Life Church – off of Peterscreek Rd.
-Bonsack Baptist Church off of 220 alternate
-Hollins Library off of Peterscreek Rd.
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