Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Welcome Republicans and Conservatives

Greetings to all! This is my first post as blog administrator, so bear with me as I learn this tool. I want to use this tool to share information of interest to local Conservatives.

I have invited a few others to post to this board as authors....so hopefully you will get a little diversity of opinions here.

So, first some basics for those of you who are interested in joining the Republican Party.

First of all, there is a National Republican Party organization, known as the Republican National Committee. There is a state orginization, know as the Republican Party of Virginia. Our national, state and local parties work together but are separate groups.

Locally, we are organized into units by counties and cities. So, we have a Roanoke City Republican Party, Roanoke County Republican party (my unit), Salem City Republican Party and Botetourt County Republican Party. Each has a separate Chair and executive board.

We are all part of the Sixth Congressional district, headed by our WONDERFUL Congressman Bob Goodlatte, whom we will re-elect in November 2008!!

So if you are interested in local politics, you should join your local party, based on where you reside.

In the Roanoke area, you can reach us at P. O. Box 20923, Roanoke, VA 24018 or by calling 776-3199. Also, you can contact one of our unit chairs, below.

Thanks for visiting!!

Mr. Doug Gimbert

Roanoke City
Mr. Adam Boitnott

Roanoke County
Mrs. Trixie Averill

Salem City
Mr. Bill Bradley

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